【海外UXイベント紹介】 UX Hong Kong 2013 [Feb. 22,23]
UX Hong Kong 2013が、明日(2/22)から二日間、香港の九龍地区にあるInnoCentreで開催されます。主催者は、Apogee社のDaniel Szuc氏です。(Daniel氏のLinkedInページ) Daniel氏とは、2008年のUPAカンファレンスで知り合ってからの親しい友人です。
Introducing the benefit for GoodReason
Lean UX - building a shared understanding to get out of the deliverables business
UX Strategy - redesigning business
Design Studio - using structured creativity for product innovation
Designing regional experiences in Asia
Design Management and continuous design
Discussion Groups
Making a user centered product company
Designing Business - moving design out of the studio and into the boardroom
A Great UX practitioner in Asia
My organisation doesn't understand UX! How do I make them listen?
Global design team therapy
Video games in the design of every day things
International Design Research - risks & opportunities
Design Management and continuous design
Design Studio - using structured creativity for product innovation
Design Research, The hidden life of a conversation
ちなみに、昨年のUX Hong Kong参加報告記事は以下になります。
UX Hong Kong 2012 参加報告 Part 1
UX Hong Kong 2012 参加報告 Part 2